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Haiku Canada
Haiku Foundation

Haiku Society of America


bottle rockets

The Heron's Nest
Haiku Pix
Modern Haiku
Notes from the Gean
List of haiku journals













Haiku Definition, by the Haiku Society of America

How to haiku, Jane Reichhold

Learning Haiku, Michael Dylan Welch



See Haiku Here











Haiku, by R.H. Blythe

Haiku, vol.1-4, by R.H.Blyth


Haiku: asian arts & crafts for creative kids

Haiku: asian arts & crafts for creative kids, by Patricia Donegan

The haiku handbook: how to write, share and teach haiku, by William J. Higginson



Writing and Enjoying Haiku cover


Writing and Enjoying Haiku, by Jane Reichhold


An introduction to haiku: an anthology of poems and poets from Basho to Shiki, by Harold G. Henderson

Haiku: one breath poetry, by Naomi Beth Wakan

Lighting the Global Lantern, by Terry Ann Carter


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